Blue guy lore just dropped
Blue guy lore just dropped
Wait this isn't Airbud wtf
Airbud? THIS. IS. NGTV!!!!
Does he know?
Airbud was in it, but we had to pull him out at the last minute after the allegations (very sad, no good)
I'm always in for a good watch when you post stuff man
Ayy it's out! Had a good ol time working on this, great to see everyone's stuff all together!
I wouldn't know. Your name is not partially cropped on the left side.
aaaarrrggghh I'm raaaggginnnggg arrughhhh I'm raiiidddiinnnggg
Really ticks me off, rrrghhh
Worth the wait dude, especially loved all the different shots of the environment, great world building. All the little sound design details are a lovely touch as well, like when the dude is powering up the machine
Great work to all you guys!
gur a maith agat!!
Cats cats we got cats for days lads
Gets your cats here! Come get yourself a cute cat!
Hoss got some moves damn look at that
He rumbled, h
and he tumbled
Joined on 2/11/17